miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015


English 1 Group;  Describing Family and Friends -
     Hello my dear students !!! I have  finally  made my mind up and ... here I am... writing my first words as an English Teacher  Blogger. My motivation?  UNDOUBTEDLY  YOU !!!  First of all, I  have the intention to create   a referential site  where  you  can get part of  the material  I use to include in  classes,  like for example; a brief explanation of any of the different points that make part of the level ( English 1,English 2, English 3, English 4 or  English 5) you belong to. In short, you could easily get important information related to grammar (verbs, pronouns , articles, connectors etc...) as well as material related to pronunciation,  idioms, anglo-cultural topics  etc...,in order to enhance in terms of  quality, time and communication  the fantastic goal   where  you ( a great, motivated, responsible, enthusiatic and optimistic  student) and I (a patient, creative, friendly , uhm... well sometimes demanding teacher) are challenged to achieve : Learning English as a Second Language. 

             Secondly, this blog will represent a Little Window  throught I can also  show and share with you  some effective  learning strategies (used  by  students from all over the world  in order to get along with the language) . I am pretty sure  that you  you as an ESL student could  apply them  based on the great intention and interest you have to improve your skills ( reading writing, listening, and speaking).

                                Finally, but not less important I want to      thank you for giving to me the grat opportunity to become your English teacher since I have learnt that only you can teach open-minded  proffessors about the way you learn this language. Well, I am about to finish my first spot but I can not leave you without inviting  you to be part of this little window I have created for you.  

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